-Those Fantastic Flying Machines-


Man must rise above the Earth—to the top of the atmosphere and beyond—for only thus will he fully understand the world in which he lives.— Socrates


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    Wednesday, March 21, 2007

    Say WHAT?

    That's right, the Super Sportster now comes in a 48" wingspan electric version. Greeny might comeback to life but will be red this time, and electric. The plane(arf), engine, gear, speed controller and battery, all for $109. All youneed is a charger and radio system, and you are good to go. Hell, in my case I just need the charger, I more than have old cannibalized radio systems from all the old bags.


    1. Holy shit! that's a mighty good deal. I may have a charger in my junk. I think I may have a radio also. I don't have receivers or servos.
