-Those Fantastic Flying Machines-


Man must rise above the Earth—to the top of the atmosphere and beyond—for only thus will he fully understand the world in which he lives.— Socrates


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    Wednesday, December 19, 2007

    I wonder what Santa is bringing me this year...


    1. Dude! are you getting that? Brian is getting a Nextstar and a the Real Flight G4. So now you can hang at my house instead of the hobby shop. Guess who is going to be using it most? :)

    2. Sweet deal! I will definitely be getting that, specially cause Santa likes me so much cause I behave so nicely.

    3. Dude checkout this comment they left on a previous post:

      show details 2:47 PM (1 hour ago) Reply

      Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "JF-17 the newest Chinese jet Fighter":

      Target practice for F-22? My ASS! Never underestimate the enemy. This is your problem DUDEs. Uncle sam went into Iraq and look whats happening to them now. What happend in Mogadishu (Somalia), I suggest you to your video rental and watch BLACKHAWK DOWN. Even an ant with claws is lethal !

      The pahro too thought that he was the mightiest in the whole world with his massive army, the rest is history.

      What do ya think? America hater? I think so. Love it or leave it man!

      USA USA USA USA... We kick ass. When we get bugged down is when the politicians start to micromanage shit. Let the US military blow things up and get the job done. We are not a police force. We are a hammer.
